Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good-and FREE-Stuff

I love email groups, and especially love email group members who shamelessly promote their blog through email groups.  Seriously!  I have found several kindred-spirited bloggy friends through their me-pluggin' blog links.  But, today's find was exceptional.  

Through my home school email group, I discovered Jill of Praiseworthy Things and, through Jill, an offer for a FREE online magazine subscription from Creative Living Media.  Lo and behold, the FREE ((can you tell I'm stoked??!)) offer includes magazines for beading, quilting, CARD-MAKING, scrap-booking, and overall craftiness!  Since this term we are tackling the paper art, Charlotte-Mason-wise known as handicraft, of card-making, the offer couldn't be more timely.  

But, what I love most about it is, although I always initially think I love beautiful magazines with all their lovely glossiness, I tend to hate them after the first honeymoon months of page-thumbing bliss.  Oh, I am fickle like that.  Thereafter, those crummy paper magazines become the enemy of my peace of mind by lying around like lazy oafs, doing nothing but looking pretty...and taking up needed space.  

Yes, I've tried Exacto-knifing the best project pages and filing them away for future lessons or an impromptu family craftin' night, but the rest!  The rest just eat away at my penny-pinching, tree-hugging heart, as they lie at the bottom of my recycling bin like all my pennies in a magic fountain.

Magazines bad, but FREE online magazine subscriptions good, very good indeed!  

With an online subscription, I can save the pages I want in my computer's files and chuck the rest without a worry, and did I mention it's FREE??!  Gotta love that.  Oh! and it's an Australian magazine, too, so, if you join me in this feverish crafting excitement, read with an accent just for kicks.


  1. Oh, how awesome!! I'll have to check that out!!

  2. Why thank you for the linky fun my friend! I am a big fan of blatant self-promotion too. Haha!

    I have signed up as well. Do you get a prize?


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.