Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Time to Kill...or, When a Friendly Warning Becomes a Field Trip Because We're Freaks

We're new to our community, and although my kids play daily with my neighbors' son, I've spoken to the full-grown people that live next door to us less than a handful of times, so I was just a wee surprised when one of my tots yelled that the female full-grown person was at the door, wanting to talk with me.


Bless her heart, she wanted to warn me all friendly-like that three of their lambs would be slaughtered today and perhaps my kids should stay indoors during the hour they expected the professional slaughterer to be on the nearby premises.

"Oh, Mom! Can we see it?! Pleeaaasssse!!" my four shouted in near unison, freaking her out just a little.

Okay, probably more than a little. But YES, she was very much fine with the idea, as long as I knew what I was getting myself into. Suurrre I do. Don't let my city-girl looks fool ya. I read books.

Seriously though, these are the moments we homeschoolers dream of, right?!


Now, in future, if you ever ask me to speak at your homeschool conference or seminar, know that the title of my workshop shall be Home School: Living a Bloody Nightmare. Any takers?! No? Really, I'm FREE every day of this year and at all hours. No??

Aww, c'mon: HAVE A HEART.



  1. that is AWESOME. and would you please come speak at my conference?! heheh.

    LOVE this. ;)

    amy in peru

  2. oh and I just had to say that my word verification word was...

    I thought it said butcher - hahaha!

    amy again.

  3. Great field trip! Last night our skink did his do, if you know what I mean, and our resident skink owner was away for the night. None of us was brave enough to deal with it. (It's stinky.) That skink freaks all of us out. We need more heart...or we need skink-lover to come home quick! :)

  4. Amy: Is it wrong that I can't even look at my own pictures anymore? Seriously grossing me out now, although at the time I was home-school-make-shift-field-trip mom of the year!

    Wanderer: Thanks for wandering over to the wacky side. I remember a roommate in the Marine Corps who owned a snake that once "did his do" under my bed. I was sniffing myself for days until we figured out I was still as pure as the driven....oxen. :)

  5. Oh my gosh, I didn't even know you started blogging up again!!!!

    I saw these pics on your FB!!!! THat is crazy!!!


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.