Thursday, April 16, 2009

What's in Your Book Basket?

As if I can never get enough ideas for free reading times in my literature-starved home ((right?!)), I thought I'd share with y'all what we're packing in our basket this week from our trip to the library, my home away from home.

I love the library.

I especially love it when the library gets rid of its discarded children's books for 10-cents each, and I get to bag out-of-print classics and Landmark books!!  Um, I totally digress.

I also love checking books out from the library, promising to return them in three weeks' time.  Well, not really, but I appreciate that they trust me enough to let me walk outta the place with my bags full of books, without following me all the way to the car or tagging me with some homing device.

Here's what we're reading, watching & listening to right now  ((I've linked them up to Amazon, so you can get a peek at the unfamiliar ones and get a review or two)):

Daniel Deronda, by George Eliot
Last Child in the Woods, by Richard Louv (audiobook)
Cute Stuff, by Aranzi Aronzo
Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon

The Kids
Peter Pan, by James Barrie (audiobook)
Girls Best Book of Knitting, Sewing, and Embroidery, by Virginie Desmoulins ((we have to buy this; it's, like, the fifth time we've checked it out this year!))
Linnea's Almanac, by Christina Bjork
Backyard Birds, by Jonathan Latimer
The Secret of the Wooden Lady, by Carolyn Keene ((kids are on a Nancy Drew kick right now))
The Secret of Mirror Bay, by Carolyn Keene
The Spider Sapphire Mystery, by Carolyn Keene
The Clue in the Old Album, by Carolyn Keene
The Secret in the Old Attic, by Carolyn Keene
Mystery of the Tolling Bell, by Carolyn Keene
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Carroll Lewis (audiobook)
The Sign of the Beaver, by Elizabeth George Speare (audiobook)
Blue Sky Bluebird, by Rick Chrustowski
Sebastian, a book about Bach, by Jeannette Winter

Fugues, by Johann Sebastian Bach

Hans Christian Andersen with Danny Kaye ((a fave!!))
2 videos about Marco Polo
30-Day Shred ((killin' me))

So, what's in your basket?!  If you wanna peek inside some other reading rooms, skip over to The Happy Housewife with your library card in the ready position.....but don't tell anyone I sent you, okay?

Something else I cannot be trusted with are beautiful Handmade Soaps, by DeShawn Marie.  Enter to win three of 'em in my Birthday Giveaway #2.  Yes, books and edible vegan soaps are just A Few of My Favorite Things.


  1. I keep forgetting about the audio books at the library. We went through a period of time when we would check out at least 3 or 4 each time - but we've forgotten about it lately :)

    Thanks for giving us a look into your library bag!

  2. Laura - you have made me sooooo happy this fine Autumn morning!!

    I found the Virginie Desmoulins craft book at my local bookshop a couple of years ago, but at that time the budget didn't stretch that far so I regretfully left it on the shelf. When I returned to purchase it a couple of months later, it had been sold and nobody - me included - could remember the title to order another!

    I'm going to put this on my Amazon wishlist right now. Thanks again!


  3. Love your list! I see someone is enjoying Nancy Drew. I'm trying to decide when my eight-year-old will be ready for those. I have a stack of them stored in the closet, but am guessing I'll wait awhile longer before passing them on to her.

    We also peruse the books our library has for sale when we visit every week or so. I need to find out if they have a schedule for putting them out so I can get there early before they're picked over!

  4. Wow so did you get all those at your library sale? If so that is AWESOME!! I can't believe you got some newer books! Nourishing Traditions is great and cost me 25.00 I am wanting 30 day shred I hear it is really good at busting your tail!
    Wow you did great sounds like!
    Love your site I just found you!

  5. Great list! I was just looking at the Kit Carson book the other day online. I will be adding that to our list for next month! My daughter went through a Nancy Drew phase a few years back, I think she read every one! Thanks for sharing your list. I must stop by the sale shelf at my library on my next trip, thanks for the reminder!

  6. Nice list. Must add to my "look into list"!

  7. Thank you for sharing your book basket! I love being able to find other books. I'm definitely going to have to check out some of these. I heard that 30 day shred is definitely "killer". LOL! :D

  8. Great lists! Our little gal is on the young side of your cuties, but I made note of several of your fav's for future reference! BTW, I just recently watched Miss Potter, oh my what a wonderful movie. Made me want to go back and read all her books.

    Cheers, Kiy

  9. Great list! Last Child in the Woods is a great book. A bit too much on the town planning at the end but good all the same. We love Miss Potter here too!!

  10. Love this list! Libraries are the best...I've worked in one for the last 12 1/2 years! :)


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.