Thursday, April 9, 2009

Something I'm Pondering...

Sara Holding a Cat, 1908, Mary Cassatt

Years ago, when we began our home school journey, I devoured the six volumes of Charlotte Mason's writing, filled with her philosophies and methods of the education of children.  But, not desiring to be blasphemous or offend anyone, it was sort of like reading the Bible through once and then setting it aside--n o t   g o o d   e n o u g h.  

First of all, as redeemed children of the Living God, we need to read and feed and glean from the Word each and every day received by grace in order to thrive, not merely survive.  The Bible should also be our primary resource for the education of our children.  No doubt about it, and you've heard it many times before--more is caught than taught.  We teach our children about God and His place in their respective lives by where he is in our own hearts, in our families, in our homes, and in our service to our local and universal churches.  If He is not on His rightful throne in our own hearts, we walk by sight and in our own strength, not by the faith He prescribes.  He alone is worthy and He alone reigns regardless of the foolish position we ascribe Him in our wee lives.  

Note to self: tear down any idols that deny this truth and throw off all things that hinder His work in your life and be blessed!

That being said, I'm interested in reading through Ms. Mason's six volumes of written words again, and I'm wondering if anyone would care to join me.  Whether you're an old hand at this thing called home education or someone newly interested in the various popular philosophies that attract us living-book-wackos, there is indeed something in it for everyone.  Plus, they're all delightfully FREE to read online in Ambleside Online's virtual Library found here.

So, if you'd be interested in chewing through about a chapter or more each week with me for the remainder of your blessed wee life; posting your own heart's response to the ideas presented, and maybe even how you may have implemented those ideas into your own home school that partic week, or how you plan to implement them; and linking up here with other cuckoo birds, let me know in the comments of this post, 'kay?

Again, have a blessed Easter celebration!  I'm going to start that respite now...I think.  No, wait!!  That's the problem.  I need to stop thinking and, thereby, stop sharing said thoughts.  Silly me.


  1. Thank you for your encouraging comment! After finishing the Companion, I definitely look forward to reading Charlotte's teachings! I feel like this is the perfect time to learn. We still have two months until my oldest finishes kindergarten and then we will be able to focus more on working at home. Right now we are just testing the waters and I am taking this time to figure out what direction to go in. I am so excited to have stumbled across her philosophy and happy to have someone to converse with! :)

    Also, I wish I could figure out how to follow your blog. I have missed so many posts, which I am going to catch up on now!

    Ha, I seem to have left an entire blog in your reply box as well. :)

  2. First time I've been called a living-book whacko...sure, I'll read along with all of you.

  3. I'm in! Wish I had them in written form though. I hate reading online. Oh well, I'll survive. LOL.

  4. Argh there are a scary number of books there! Count me in. I can't promise to make it all the way but maybe we can all spur each other onwards and have a lot of fun along the way :-)

  5. I am!!! I am!!! Where are you starting Vol 1?


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.