Friday, April 24, 2009

Fitness Friday: An Update of My Awesomeness

This week, Brenda at The Family Revised had a pretty busy week mopping up--not one but two--water disasters, so she suggested, as this week's challenge, we post about our own awesomeness in our quest for fitness.

I don't know how awesome I'm doing, exactly, but I do know that I've come a long way over the past several weeks.  I've given myself very little slack, knowing that my body is so very used to poor methods of weight loss, not to mention a history of eating and exercise disorders, that I'm sure it doesn't take me seriously unless I apply a lot of stress, and consistently.  

For the last several weeks, I've been exercising six to seven days each week, both rotating and combining circuit training, step aerobics, free weights, and running.  Last night, I encountered such a milestone that brought so much encouragement to my heart and limbs that I must share it!!  

I have a favorite VHS tape from my younger days of do-it-yourself buffness: 

Gilad's Step and Tone Workout incorporates step aerobics and hand weights, creating a lot of stress on major muscles and burning massive numbers of calories.  It's a pretty tough tape, which never fails to wipe me out, even during those days of long-ago physical glory, so when my husb'd saw me pull this tape out of my not-as-dusty exercise tape collection last night, he looked uber-concerned and said, "Aw, Honey, you're gonna kill yourself."  

Three weeks ago, I couldn't even finish the tape without hand-weights, and last week I nearly cried while wearing 1.5-lb. hand-weights, stopping every few minutes for water and oxygen; but yesterday, I not only finished the tape and well, but I was able to carry 3-lb. hand-weights the entire time!!  Okay, I still cried, but I totally made it across the finish line still standing---Awesome!!

Last week, I told you how I recently joined Weight Watchers Online, which I believe is going to be the best part of my awesomeness!!  Although it was hard to keep within my allowed points range while the in-laws were here, with all the eating in and out that occurred, this second week has know....awesome!!  Not only have I stayed easily within my points range, but I have yet to use any of those "extra" points given or "cash in" a single point from those I earn every time I cry sweat.  

Before Weight Watchers Online helped me to rethink portion sizes ((truly small and frequent meals)), I had yet to lose one pound, although I was exercising with a vengeance and often.  But during my very first week, the week in which I struggled with making smart choices while entertaining well the in-laws, I lost 1.5-lbs!!  And, this week, the week in which I got a fat chalk mark on my weight bench with Gilad, I lost an additional 2-lbs!!  I cannot tell you how thrilled I am, since I am NOT one of those gals who fluctuates from day to day.  No, when my body lets go of even an ounce, it's for real.

Say it with me:  A W E S O M E!!

So, although I don't really think anyone or anything is AWESOME other than the Holy One, dontcha think Brenda is a whole lotta fun?  How do you celebrate when you reach a milestone you never yet imagined? What non-calorie rewards have you used for pampering yourself when you really need or ((dare I say?!)) deserve it?

Be inspired: read more fitness tales of wonder at The Family Revised.


  1. Sounds like you really did have an awesome week! Way to go.

  2. Awesome week, Laura Lou! I, too, have had the eperience of not losing a pound no matter how diligent I am in my exercise habits.

    Portion sizes, huh?

  3. WW has helped me a lot. I love the veggies and they are free. I am eating a lot of them today because of the root beer floats.

  4. I am so happy for you and your awesomeness! I hear a lot of people say that weight watchers really does help! I may need to check it out :) You had a fantastic week and way to go on the exercise tape and proving your husband wrong by still being alive when you FINISHED!! Congratulations!!!

  5. OK--I never realized it was acceptable to cry and work out at the same time. I can totally do that!!! :)
    Congrats on your wonderful week! Keep it going!

  6. YOU ARE WICKEDLY AWESOME !!! Great job this week ! I hate to say it but you remind me of me when I was younger and more dedicated. I struggled with anorexia and after finally figuring out it wasn't the way to go , I was obsessive over exercising. I even used to exercise in the shower doing squats while washing my hair. Seems really ridiculous but I was obsessed! Keep up the good work and hope you get the results you want ! FYI - if you do the squats in the shower be sure you have a good bathmat, I learned that the hard way !!
    HA - HA : 0

  7. Caught the difference between "small & frequent meals" and "TRULY small & frequent meals"!!! I hear you about nothing being awesome except Him, so I assumed my post would be pretty short today. Nevertheless, when the Giver is awesome, then the gifts He gives are awesome too!!

  8. That is so awesome!
    It´s so great to meet you! Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself. My hubby (the contreras) is from California too. LA area. His family is actually Philipino.
    I started my fitness journey anew in January of this year. It had been several years since I had gotten serious about my fitness. Of course I stayed active but didn´t keep it up.
    I have lost 15 lbs and I am half way there. Want my pre-baby body back.
    I can´t wait to browse your blog and keep following!

  9. Good for you!!! Gilad's workouts are hard, but well worth it. I wish I could still do them. I would have loved to have been to one of his workouts in person. I wish you continued success!

  10. You guys are putting me under conviction... every blog I read is about someone losing weight.... a sign from God to me??? hahhaa. just kidding!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Comments are totally awesome :) Nice ¨meeting¨ you and will be stopping by, hope to see you back by mine soon.

  11. Sorry you cry during workouts, but that MUST contribute to extra water weight loss, right?


  12. What a great week!! Keep up the good work! I don't know how many workout videos I've watched, but most of them I've done just that...watched them. ha

  13. Wow! I just found you via "Handbook of Nature Study" and I will definitely be back to read more! Awesome blog!


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.