Sunday, February 8, 2009

Menu Plan Monday: Stretching the Pennies

When my husb'd and I reconciled last year, we committed [read: I submitted with much emotional pain] to living small, which obviously is the opposite of living large, right?  It's not as though we are high rollers or live like we are, but we needed to let go of all of the extras, for a time [read: an entire year!], that could get between or take over our healing family, such as classic Baryshnikov ballet training thrice each week, gymnastics for gold-medal champions thrice each week, piano lessons for snobs, Bend-It-Like-Beckham soccer clinics and teams, and swimming for Olympic Phelps-wannabes.  My experience is such that, with a mere four-able-bodied-child family, activities tend to grow like weeds and spread like the Black Plague.  We were busy and happily, but God worked out His gloried salvation in my husb'd and restored our family, providing for us a new heritage.  Now I ask you, what does an abundance of activity have with which to compare to a supernatural and spiritual renewal of a lord ((small "l")) and his earthly kingdom??!  

I answer: NOTHING, as in no thing.

But recently, my husb'd graciously allowed my two eldest children to pick up piano lessons again, as long as we could pay for the lessons from our EXISTING lean-by-choice budget. 

Music to my number-crunching ears!
I just love to find ways to stretch our pennies into dollars.

So, first I let go of Netflix, which I just never get around to watching during the home school year when there's planning and prep to do.  Plus, I just plainly prefer books.  Hence...  
Secondly, I commit to returning books to the library on time.  I'm ashamed to admit how fine an unrecognized donor I am to the county, although a smile would be nice every now and again, in lieu of the judgmental frowns I receive whilst being quite generous in my frequent donations.
Thirdly, I refuse to be tempted to eat out due to poor Mommy-planning.  I've now an abundance of homemade, and otherwise, snacks in my "out-and-about" bag, ready to fill those tummies begging a snack, thereby keeping me out of the drive-thru(s) and snack aisles.
Fourthly, I'll stretch our food budget by eating at least two meatless meals each week.  This is where planning, not to mention the inspiration I receive from the many single-income families convicted to live a life of fine stewardship without sacrificing whole foods, becomes paramount.
That should do it.
I hope.

Breakfasts w/Fresh Fruits
  • Baked Oatmeal ; reducing sugar & butter; adding 1-tsp, cinnamon, 1/2-t nutmeg, 1-t vanilla extract, 1 shredded apple, and 1/2-c toasted walnuts (T/F)
  • Scrambled Eggs & Leftover Corn Muffins (W)
  • Orange Bran Muffins w/Almonds (M/Th)
  • Homemade Granola, substituting pecans for cashews; adding coconut, flax seeds, and wheat germ (Sa)
  • Eggs & Sweet Potato Scones; can't help but add a touch of nutmeg & a handful of toasted pecans (Su)

Lunches w/Fruits & Veggies
  • PB on Brown Rice Cakes (W/Sa)
  • Creamy Tomato Soup w/Cheese Toast (M)
  • Homemade Pizza (T)
  • Fancy Ramen Soup (Th)
  • Cheese & Crackers, Pickles & Olives (F)
  • Potluck Lunch Fellowship (Su)


Oven-Fried Chicken Parmesan, using fresh mozzarella & herbs
Balsamic Asparagus Salad

Black Bean Soup (This recipe is da' Bomb--as is!  I made it last week, and we all agreed to a repeat.)
Cornbread Muffins, a' la Newshound 'bout Town

Homemade Macaroni & Cheese
Green Salad

Thursday ~ My 15th Anniversary!! ((Never thought I'd see this one.))
Chicken Piccata, with addition of artichoke hearts
Mashed Potatoes
 Veggie Medley

Split Pea Soup in the Crockpot
Sourdough Wheat Loaf

Saturday ~ Happy Valentine's Day!!
Garlic Beef Roast
Easy Potato Casserole, using leftover Mashed; add an egg, green onion, sour cream, a splash of milk,and a sprinkling of shredded cheddar; season to taste w/salt & pepper; bake to blend & melt cheese.
Green Salad

Keep It Simple Sabbath: Leftover Buffet!

Have an inspiring week, y'all!  And for more budget stretching meal ideas, check out the hundreds of plans at The Organizing Junkie!


  1. When you hear a knock at your front door this evening, it'll be me and my family arriving to help you polish off all of that wonderful sounding chicken parmesan and balsamic asparagus salad.

    We may just stay over so that we can have the baked oatmeal for breakie, so you'd best prepare the guest room while you're at it!!

    See you about 7 pm?


  2. The chicken parm and black bean soup recipes sound really good. Now I'm going to have to try them.

  3. awesome menu! I am with Jeanne! Think I will come visit.

    As soon as I figure out how to list links on the side of my blog I will add you. I am a little challenged in that area.



I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.