Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Home Pre-School on my Mind

During the heart of winter, I spend a lot of time thinking about our next school year, thinking and searching and reading about the prolific number of book and curiculum choices I have before me.  I spend the quiet hours of my night mapping out and charting our year ahead, whilst Googling to my heart's fill for free-domain books and other equally frugal resources, not to mention the free ideas in every nook and cranny of this wonderful international network of home school families.

Although I am decidedly a fan of the education philosophy and practice of Charlotte Mason, who did not advocate the formal education of a child before age six, I enjoy educating my little ones as well as my officially school-aged children.  Now, I don't assault them with workbooks all lock-stock-and-barrel like.  No, I hardly ever touch those perforated things, even with my older children--gasp!  I could lose my CM Member's Card with all its lovely privileges!  But, I do enjoy playing with purpose together with my babes a few times each day, from the time they show an interest in learning and in a very gentle way.

And this coming year is very special indeed.  This year, I have no babies to nurse and nurture; I have no toddlers underfoot or pulling out everything from within the cabinets.  This year, my baby ((sniff)) will become my student.  If it is the Lord's will, I will home pre-school again; but, if not, I really want to go out with a bang!  I want to make this time with him the very best it can be, as we snuggle together over great poetry and books, as we lie prostrate over a pile of beans, as we roll with laughter and delight when something finally clicks!  I want to finger paint a masterpiece, roll fresh dough into an edible animal kingdom, and count every yet chubby finger and toe.  I want to sing and dance like a love-sick fool in June, cut everything we own into halves and quarters, and, most of all, I want to remember every precious pre-school day for the rest of my blessed life.

So, what will we do? what is my plan?

I still don't know, and I have not one yet.  I'm just thinking and searching and reading right now.

But, I have ideas--lots and lots of ideas.


  1. Wow..you really impress me!!! I have to say that you are very encouraging when I read your homeschooling posts! It sounds like you are ready to burst at the seams w/ excitement!! I can't wait to hear what you finally decide to do!!

    I can tell you are a total planner!!!!

  2. Do share when you hammer this one out! I'd love to hear creative ideas.

  3. At one point in time I was a "total planner"! I dream of the day I "get it together" and make it back to that place. Preschool is the BEST time!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see your plans.


  4. My little preschooler is busy teaching all of us! LOL! I read this and wonder where I can fit it all in to my day. It sounds like such fun! I am sure there is space there somewhere!!

    I finally worked out how to post comments on your blog :-)

    Philippa x

  5. Don't forget slime!! We loved slime...and learning how to swing yourself...and finding letters on road signs...and then there's all those wonderful books...

    Maybe I'd better think of another littlie myself...

  6. Sounds like what I'm doing all the time! It's fun to read someone else who loves the joy of the journey... and I think I need to read Charlotte Mason?


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.