Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chores, Sch'mores

Are chores not the bane of existence?!  Well, they do not have to be.  Nope, you heard it here first: you can hire a maid.  Or, if you are not able or inclined to do so, you can get better organized using a few tips I gleaned while following behind the wiser women of this world.  

With me, tackling the day's chores begins before the children even rise.  As soon a I can roll my hibernating tail out of bed, near 6:30AM lately, I toss a load of laundry into the washer, and grab the load from the dryer.  After getting the ball rolling,  I hit the treadmill or some other difficult exercise, like touching my toes or tuning on my 'puter, and then hit the showers, hard.  

After rustling up the kiddos and starting the day with breakfast and our Bible Study ((an elaboration due on Tuesday)), my children, ages 11, 8, 6, and almost 4 ((sniff)), and I get busy with a few simple chores before starting any formal school lessons!

First of all, we clean up the kitchen from breakfast.  My eldest daughter unloads the dishwasher, while my youngest daughter wipes the table and my eldest son sweeps the floor.  My baby boy travels to the garage with me to change over the laundry from the start of the day, starting a new load a'washing.  ((There's two!))

Next, we each tackle a daily chore, such as bringing down the laundry hamper to the garage, where Newshound sorts the clothes into four marked hampers: Darks, Lights, Whites & Jeans.  The Negotiator and Superman bring out the garbage and recycling items, while Sassafras folds the laundry brought up minutes before and I swiftly wash the breakfast dishes, while making my much-needed-by-now tea.

Finally, we knock-out a weekly, or semi-weekly, chore from a list of things husb'd cannot live without having done in our home ((you think I'm OCD?!)): 
1.  Vacuum Carpeted Floors (semi)
2.  Dust
3.  Mop Hard Floors
4.  Disinfect Bathrooms (semi)
5.  Put Away All Folded Laundry
6.  Disinfect & Shine Kitchen Sink (semi)
7.  Tidy & Organize Entryway (semi)
And to keep the grumbling to a min, we cast lots.  Yep, just like heathen Roman soliders, we roll the dice to see who cleans what.  The kids love it, especially when Mom gets a silly chore like dusting or, even better for laughs, when I have to Do-Hard-Things, like the kids' bathrooms.  Um, yuck!  But, we all put on happy faces, a little dancing music, and get 'er done.

Now, if our day gets away from us with a great book, some much needed discipleship, or if we just wanna hit a nearby trail for an hour, all is well and tidy at home, which makes husb'd happy and, therefore, wifey too.  There is no peace in a home like the peace of a pleased lord ((small l, like Sarah)).  You hearin' me?

So, what do y'all do to keep house while training up and teaching sweet midgets in your home?  Do you have some tricks of the trade to share?  Does it curl your toes to make a label, too?


  1. Love the dice idea. I'm lame. I just bark orders. I need to get a system. Problem is I never stick to it. My house is clean but I'm doing too much of the work.

  2. We use the Kids Zone Cleaning from I've actually assigned a girl to a task-until it seems they have mastered it-then they switch jobs. For us, it has been the most consistent way to clean. I like the dice idea too! That would be fun to throw in (no pun intended-lol) on a day when we're running errands and cannot get to everything, but want to do a few things:) We also clean up the kitchen after each meal. I have a 13 (in March), 8, 16mo and one due in April. All girls:) Thanks for sharing:) Blessings for a wonderful weekend! Amanda

  3. Since you asked Laura...we use Titus2's "Managers of Their Chores." A great help is to have your youngest "shadow" you. Have them stick close and they won't get the chance to destroy the living room while you're switching the laundry.

    What I like about Titus2 is that they go through the Biblical standards & mandates before even touching the system they use. Oooh, I guess this is getting long enough to warrant my own post.

  4. I'm kinda the same way as far as waking up before them and doing some of the chores myself. I know I need a more "solid" plan, but they are in charge of cleaning and vacuuming their own rooms. They all kinda help out here and there, but I think rolling the dice is a neat idea!!


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.