Saturday, April 30, 2011

Home-schooling Mother's Journal

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...I've been challenged to reconsider the purpose for our words, as stated in Ephesians 4:29.  I believe strongly that the Lord cares about each and every word that proceeds from our mouths and that these words are a sure indicator of the height [or depth] of our thoughts.  I surely love that Charlotte Mason's teachings on this method of education reflect that Truth, as we seek to lay hold of excellence in all disciplines not merely for excellence's sake, but for the edification of the hearts and souls and minds of our children.  What I need to remember most is that it starts with me.

In our homeschool this week…we've been on a Spring Break, of sorts.  We continue to read books aloud and on our own, plus work our maths program daily, but we also dug into a unit study on the Dung Beetle, which is so off the beaten-path for us.  It was some seriously good, clean fun!  Check out our "family review!"
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…Since Katara and Toph were on break from ballet, we went much fewer places this week, which I was totally diggin'.  We still had baseball games and practices, and I spent several hours renovating and organizing the ballet studio, bringing along each day one of my fab-four for some sweet together-time.
My favorite thing this week was…I had a few favs this week!

Walking down the street while holding the hand of Sokka, who was on his skateboard...

Thrift-store shopping with Katara while on a lunch-break...

Cheering for Aang as he knocked ball after ball outta the [mini] park...

And filming numerous videos of Sokka and Toph who were my curriculum experts this week, weighing in our unit study experience with the Dung Beetle.  They are a great combination of the semi-serious and the near-frivolous which made for great blooper reels indeed!  They totally loved it too.  Yep, I birthed some hams.  Go figure.
What’s working/not working for us…Sleeping in forever because they learned another family does is def not working for me!  Although I get a ton of stuff done before they decide to stagger out of their bedrooms, drunk with and covered in sleep, they are not getting everything done before the I-wanna-be-outside bug bites and hard, especially since the recent days have been sunny and warm.  
Sorry, Charlies, I'm setting the alarm.
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have…I'm submitting an application to join a PSP, which will offer us the opportunity to take three classes outside the confines of our home, but will require yearly testing in English and Math.  I'd love to broaden their educational and social horizons, especially since that sleeping family will be there with us, but I definitely don't "teach to test" and have zero plans to start.  I pray this is a good thing and not just one more plate to spin...

A quote to share...

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear (Ephesians 4:29).

I dunno about you, but I need to meditate on this each and every day...


  1. Yes ma'am, we put that verse to memory months ago...we needed it...all of us.

    Hand holding and thrift shopping...favorite things indeed!

  2. Words are so powerful. There is nothing like meeting others who lift up and encourage with their words - rather than - put down and discourage! Love your bible verse.

  3. I have always liked how the "sleeping family" does their routine, too, but I think you are wise to have realized it is not working for you family (at least for now).

    I hope Moose's team plays Aang. I would love to see what that slugger can do.

  4. I need to hang that above my work area. Thanks for the encouragement:)

    Like you blog alot, new follower by email.


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.