Saturday, March 19, 2011

Homeschooling Mother's Journal

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...I've been thinking a bit too much on the recent deaths and diagnoses of a handful of friends.  It surely has me crying out for God's mercy for their families and for my own.  I cannot even imagine... life is so precious and short.

In our homeschool this week...In history, we're still traveling through Rome during the time of Christ and loving The Bronze Bow. 

In maths, I finally got to use with Ian my new book, Arithmetic for young children, being a series of exercises exemplifying the manner in which arithmetic should by taught to young children---I still cannot get over that title!!  It's all review right now, but it was so much fun that I found the other kids had stopped working just to watch Ian's math lesson.   Oh! and I downloaded a free New Zealand Italic font (click to download) I found through searching and searching and searching, and I love it!  The font package even came with a dotted Italic font so that I can create my own copywork for him, since the inexpensive (thank goodness!) one I purchased earlier this year was "updated to reflect current grammar usage," but poorly.

I knew I would regret not bookmarking that italic font website!  I did find another 'site that offers an entire set of handwriting fonts, although of Victorian Australia.  I think they're just as lovely!  ENJOY. :)

A "Lovin'-that" moment: overhearing my eldest daughter tell a friend, "Classical music is amazing!  Seriously, if you listen to it often, you will gain an appreciation for it.  It's the only music that moves me to tears."

Places we're going and people we're seeing...It's been raining and pouring here this week, to the ultimate sadness of my wee boy whose baseball games were cancelled.  To make up for it, we got together with friends we've been missing for some good ol'fashioned play for the wee ones and good conversation coupled with wayyy too much coffee for me.  I was stuck in hyper-drive the rest of the day, without accomplishing very much at all!  Boooo.

Coppelia is playing at the San Francisco Ballet!

My favorite thing this week was...Finding a dress second-hand, a replica of one my youngest daughter just loved and wore until it was in tatters and entirely too short, and having her jump into my arms with squeals of joy!  She's still wearing it.

What's working/not working for us...Our rooster disappeared several weeks ago, and since then the hens have become unruly, roosting wherever they wish and being taken out one by one, most likely by foxes.  We're now down to four and loathing the idea of having to purchase chicks, which are soooo messy and stinky and yuck (although cute).  Yes, it's not exactly homeschool related, but I didn't wanna keep saying, "Everything's working!" ;D

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...You'd think after nine years of formally home-educating my kids, I'd have finished wrestling with the question of balance, but I've not.  I still wonder how much is enough or too much.  More often I err on the side of too much, I think: there are just so many wonderful ideas and experiences to which I want them exposed in the short years during which they grace my home!  Do any of you wonder about this, too?  And hey, if you've figured it out, please let me know!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...


  1. LL, I think the struggle with balance hangs around to some degree for all of lots of areas of our lives :)

    I love the title of the math book...and what your daughter said about music - those moments are precious...write them down. did, didn't you!!?!!!? :D

  2. Yeah, I've got it all figured out but I'm not telling anybody. Especially since you didn't include the link to the free New Zealand italics or tell me which Vitamin C face cream you use.

    Your loss.

  3. Hello! Lovely blog and thanks for coming by to visit mine and leave a comment! I'm following you on Plurk and liked you on Networked Blogs :)

    As for having it all figured out - I don't think anyone does even those I know who've h.s. for 18 years tell me even they don't have it all figured out. As a reviewer of curriculum I'm constantly using and changing what we use. My thing is as long as it gets done and if it's before lunch it's even better!


  4. We just starting filling up our schedule as spring sports have begun and funny thing is I think over the winter we weren't doing enough and that had just as a negative impact as doing to much, go figure and of course I didn't figure that out till after winter, ha ha!!!! loving your wall paper, btw!!!!

  5. Okay, Richele... you win!

    When I found and downloaded the fonts (I found another one at the same site for cursive, although not dotted), I was so excited I closed the window without saving the link! I knew I would regret it as soon as I did it! So, the best I could do was post the file to download, gathering the linked-source from the file I installed. I'm back to searching, I guess...

  6. Sarah, I always shied from reviewing, afraid of missing the mark or creating more gaps, so I'm glad to hear a good report from you!

  7. L2L, I know what'cha mean! I've dancers & baseball players and work atop of our home -school! BALANCE is always my struggle, especially as a single.

  8. You are more than welcome, Sam. I'm glad it worked for you!

  9. hahaha! I never knew there was a New Zealand font! Maybe I would have if my kids went to school, lol!
    Yes - balance is getting me right now too. I have been wondering if my girls have done enough grammar - and don't need to carry on thru high school. They are 11 & 12, the 12 yo is doing ABeka grade 9 and the 11 yo ABeka grade 7. It's all way more than I ever did...

  10. Thank you, thank you! I'd tried to find those Victorian fonts free for Mac two years ago and finally gave up.

    If I take the time to tell you the secret of attaining balance I will no longer have balance, well...


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.