Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Charlotte Mason Book Giveaway ...and a Sing-a-long!

My dear friend Richele from Barefoot Voyage is giving away a copy of Ms. Masons's A Philosophy of Education that she found tucked away in a secondhand store.  Please visit her lovely blog and leave a comment before Monday, March 7th!  Don't forget to pick up the other recommended freebies she's offering as well, with a "Here, here!" by yours truly.

Oh!  And sing "Happy Birthday" with me: today my baby turned 6!  Ian is an imaginative boy who loves to play with loads and hoards of stuffed animals, the way some boys play with action figures and some girls play with dolls.  He loves his mama almost as much as she loves him and recently said he wished he could marry two women, one to take care of him and one to take care of me, when I'm old.  Although his life was a surprise to me, God knew we all needed Ian during the storms our wee family endured during the early years of his life.  It was the daily business of meeting his needs and receiving his smiles that reminded us of God's goodness and faithfulness and His deep, rich love for us.  And so, I'm praising Him again today for this special boy who never ceases to surprise and delight me: thank you, thank you for my Ian!


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.