Saturday, February 19, 2011

Homeschooling Mother's Journal, Entry #3

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In My Life This Week...I finally figured out when and how I'm going to combine my kids.  Olivia really enjoy(ed) her studies of the Greeks and Romans, so much so that she's not quite done yet. :)  At first it had me completely stressed out, but then I realized that it's okay.  She's learned and is learning so much all while enjoying itThis is a very good thing. 

So, I had an epiphany this week: when she finishes, sometime in the next six weeks, we're all jumping together into the Middle Ages.  Already, I have nearly all the books I need to cover the period with ages 6 to 13, so why not?!  After a bit of pouting from those currently studying American History, I gently explained that having mum read a spine and perhaps one or two read-alouds each term will drastically reduce the hours spent in structured lessons and, thereby, give them each more time to do what they wanna do.  As you can imagine, they're ready to start yesterday.

In Our Homeschool This Week...My kids begged for more Plutarch.  Yep, you coulda knocked me over with a feather.

Places We're Going and People We're Seeing...My daughter left this morning for her very first audition for a summer intensive pre-professional ballet program AWAY FROM HOME.  That's such a mouth- and heart-full ... sigh.  If accepted into the program and in receipt of a scholarship, Olivia will spend one month in San Francisco training her heart out and working towards her life's desire to dance professionally and (perhaps) internationally.  If He wills it, He will provide!

My Favorite Thing This Week Was...The big fat hug and fake cheeky kisses I received after praying over Olivia as she jumped into the car that would race towards the first step of her future.  I think I need a moment to cry...

What's Working/Not Working for Us...Truth-quest History is really, really working for us.  I love the freedom of it!  I decide what and how much we'll read.  And I love the writing prompts for my eldest, who's quickly approaching high school. 
Plus, if you have a son or daughter anything like my eldest two, reading things in order is a lifted weight.  It exasperates my son to no end when I ask him to read a chapter or book about a topic covered previously in another.  "It completely ruins it, Mom!" is what I hear most often.  But no more.  Slowly but surely, this combining of several grades into one is looking and feeling more like home.

Homeschool Thoughts or Questions I Have...Has anyone considered graduating a child a year earlier than usual?  What motivated or motivates you?  Any valid arguments for or against?  And no, housecleaning and babysitting are not valid arguments.  Just so you know.

A Photo, Link, or Quote to Share...I'm itching to share a link to a project I'm working hard to complete.  Soon, soon...!
A little girl named Suki we're picking up soon!


  1. So So cute! I enjoyed reading of all your productivity, you have inspired me to be more intentional with my moments and schooling adventures!

  2. Love the pic of the new edition to your family! What version of Plutarch are you reading?!

  3. Jesse, for our term study we're using the easy-peasy guide for Marcus Brutus written by Anne White and linked at Ambleside Online. She edited North's version of Plutarch's Lives, removing mature content and sometimes the actual length.

    For our study of Greece and Rome, we're using Our Young Folks' Plutarch by Rosalie Kaufman, which also has the nasty bits removed. You can get a peek at The version published by its sister site, Yesterday's Classics, is so easy on the eyes and wallet. I buy as many books as poss from her!


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.