Friday, June 4, 2010

Sharing Is Caring

If you've a boy like mine, a boy that loves to build, whether it be with Legos, sticks, stones, planks or metals, these books just might excite you as much as they thrilled myself when I first laid my eyes upon their electronic and free pages. These books were written especially for boys. I mean it. It says so in each and every author's preface of each and every book...I think. Anyway, these books were written expressly to instruct our beloved red-blooded boys (and girls, if so inclined) in the science of ENGINEERING.

Yes, you read it right: E N G I N E E R I N G. And that's not all.

Ahem, "...the author has chosen to recount adventures that show courage, presence of mind, loyalty to comrades and devotion to duty..." ((A deeper search of said author uncovered a few sermons, too, so it's kinda like having your pastor spend deliberate time with your son, building bridges over the summer. Win-win!!)) Plus, the writing style is so distinctly conversational that I, distinctly NOT mechanically inclined nor gifted, didn't want to stop reading. Really. Win-win-win-win!!

Oh boy, do I just love old books or what!

So, here's what we'll be reading over the next couple of years:

Oh boy, oh boy!

1 comment:

  1. Aack, I got side-tracked by Bond's book and forgot to thank you for the resources.


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.