Friday, April 17, 2009

We May Never Make the Cover of a Pottery Barn Catalog...

And I'm totally okay with  But, for years, I would absolutely drool over those seasonal catalogs that came to my house, taunting me with their beautiful and not-so-frugal wares of perfection.  I would fantasize that someday my bedroom, too, would be an oasis of new vintage, that my kitchen would be a creamy white always, never a fingerprint or splatter anywhere, and that my children's artwork would be displayed in perfectly arranged frames throughout the house for all eternity.

Fast-forward to today, when my li'l family has survived by grace a deep and painful tearing apart, living on the tender gifts of and with near strangers, buying food with the help of government hand-outs, juggling a return to university with mothering, home school, and fighting off the government who denied I could do it, and then a blessed reconciliation a few long years later.  

Nope, Pottery Barn just doesn't do it for me anymore.  Who needs the facade of perfection when one is content to just sit in her very own home and look into the beloved although imperfect faces and hearts of those most cherished?  Not I, I say...not I.

Today, my bedroom is an oasis of reconciliation, my kitchen is a vintage white that gets forty-plus sweet fingerprints and whole-family meal splatters removed from top to bottom every week, and my children's artwork is displayed in our home and hearts in the most cost-effective way possible, as we wait in hope and faith and joy for eternity like the nomads we were created to be:

Hey, I just found my keys!!

This post is totally linked to Frugal Fridays at Life as Mom.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!!! I love it.

    I had hubby make me something similar to shaker pegs. It's a rail painted to match the walls and it has metal clips that we attach various artwork to. Kids love it.


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.