Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Free Movie Wednesday

Red Box is the new Netflix.

If your family is as busy as ours, you oft forget to watch or even return movies to Netflix and, thereby, destroy your frugal idea of Family Movie Night.  In other words, you just don't get the bang for your buck.  

This is where Red Box steps in at $1/night.  Sure, you can only get newer releases--no old BBC adaptations of classic novels--but if this is your market, Red Box delivers.

And, with Free Movie Wednesdays, you cannot turn your nose up.  

Well, you can, but you might catch a fly and choke.

Todays' free movie code: 75EA16.

As for me and my house, we'll be watching Wall-E tonight.


  1. Wall-E isn't as bad as it was supposed to be, it was pretty redemptive there at the end. As to that tip about old movies: our Red Boxes here in ID are starting to showcase some older classics. Tide's a changin'! As for me and my house: gamecube night...hmmm...

  2. Didjalikeit? Jemimah is obsessed with Wall-E. I wish she didn't sound like she is whingeing every time she says it though!!



I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.