Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oh, Charlotte! The Kids are Baking!

Whole Wheat Snickerdoodles

Yes, I said, "Whole Wheat"...don't be scared.

1/2-cup unsalted butter, softened
2/3-cup brown sugar
2/3-cup white sugar
2 eggs
2-cups Whole Wheat Flour
2-Tablespoons cornstarch
1-teaspoon baking soda
1/2-teaspoon salt

Cinnamon Sugar
1/2-cup sugar
3-Tablespoons ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350*.  Cream butter and sugars until creamy and light in color.  Add eggs and beat until batter is uniform.  Sift flour, cornstarch and baking soda; fold into buttery sweet egg mixture.  

Form tablespoon-sized balls and roll in cinnamon sugar to coat.  

Place cinnamon atter balls onto parchment-lined baking sheet and flatten slightly with glass bottom.  Bake 7-minutes, turn cookie sheet, and bake 7-minutes more.  

Remove from oven, cool slightly, and gobble up with a tall glass of cold milk.  Yum!

Makes 2 dozen, which doesn't last long around here!!  Enjoy!

Hint: These are easy to freeze after rolling in the cinnamon sugar, so you could make them during your baking/prep day, if you have one, and bake as desired ((like, every day)).  Or, bake a dozen and refrigerate half the cookie dough for another day of fresh-from-the-oven goodness this week!


  1. Now, I had to look up 'Snickerdoodles' in Wikipedia...only an American would have a biscuit called such a wonderful name!!!

    I'm going to try them too...I'll try to let you know how they turn out!!

    Have a nice weekend



I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.