Friday, February 6, 2009

Fitness Friday: Do Something New!

No, I did not pick up a new drinking problem.  I already have one: I don't drink nearly enough water.  It's not that I don't like water--I love it!  In summer, when my body relentlessly cries out for it, I drink loads and happily.  But in winter, when my body goes dormant like a dead bear, I drink more tea--more warming, contentment-producing tea--while snuggled under a cozy wrap and near a blazing fire (if I can get husb'd to hook me up before he leaves for work), and much less water.  And I suffer for it: my skin is drier and dehydration begs me to sleep longer and longer.  

So, this week, I'm drinking water before every meal and one before bedtime.  I don't know exactly how many ounces each goblet contains, but they're pretty big.  I would guess 16 oz., or more, which means I'm drinking at least a half-gallon of water each day!!  Huge for me indeed, especially in winter.

Oh! and I did faithfully rise earlier than usual all week long, at 7AM nonetheless!  

I know: I'm such a slacker.  

But, I've lived my whole life at  night thus far, and this is a huge change for me.  I'm even working toward a goal of 5:30AM: lo and behold, the day before yesterday I pushed myself to the limits of my human flesh and woke at 6:45AM!   My husb'd nearly hit the floor with astonishment!  I loved that.  Wait until I tell him I woke this morning at 6:30AM, started laundry, showered, and put on make-up before the kids even saw me!  Maybe he'll faint and I'll have a fab blog post tomorrow (enter: diabolical laughter)!

Oh! and I started taking a multivitamin each morning, too!

I liked this challenge of adding something new to my week, something that will encourage me to yield more of my time and fitness efforts to the Creator--thanks Brenda!  Anyway, I've decided to keep moving along this thread by adding something new to next week.  Not only will I get out of bed by 6AM, or earlier (glory be!), and start a load of laundry, but I will get on my treadmill for a dose of good-day-producing endorphins before heading into the shower--all before waking the kids!  

So, is there something new you did this week to make your life that much richer?  Is there something that God's been putting on your heart and you're ready to start yielding?  What was the last thing you had to drink?

For more inspiration to try new things, head over to The Family Revised!


  1. Whew! I was wondering what was in that goblet!

    You write funny posts, Laura Lee; I really enjoy them. Don't forget to let us know if your husband faints.

  2. Drinking more water and getting up at 5:00 AM have been two longterm goals I've been struggling with for a long time. Your post has encouraged me, while giving me a chuckle at the same time.

  3. Well done with the early rising!! It's truly difficult to change habits like that, and you are doing a great job.

    Oh, and I just noticed your "Schedule of Classes, 2009" in the sidebar - awesome way to put it!

  4. LOL - I have the same non-drinking problems as you do, but drink juice instead :o) And I am also a slacker that doesn't wake up till 7:45ish! But today I drank water and did Pilates! Yaay!!!

  5. Wow! I'm super impressed with you! Vitamins, water, rising outdid yourself! Those are ALL good ideas!

    And don't feel bad, 7AM would be really early for me too! :)

  6. You are now officially an inspiration! We just read pp 21-37 in Home Education and CM discusses these very things. I know that my morning schedule actually starts the night before by having to deny myself and go to bed earlier.

    Oh, and putting your water in a fancy goblet sounds like a great way to drink more H2O!

  7. Hahah..I can totally relate to the shower thing! My husband called me one morning last week (around 8'ish I think). I told him I was blow drying my hair!! He was like,"Ohhhhhh..wowwww!!"

    Yes, that is a big deal!!

  8. You are such a sinner. (GASP) You don't drink enough water! Wow, you know that goes down in the hall of fame as one of THE top ten sins...well according to some.

    Seriously, I am glad that you are getting your daily water. The early rising thing: more power to ya, but I'll never jump on that bandwagon. Call me slothful, but I am finally okay with not getting up at the crack. Or even at 7. haha

  9. AcK! Early rising is one of my MOST difficult things! I'm working on that, too, and not doing so great with it so far!


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.