Thursday, January 29, 2009

Frugal Friday: Satisfying a Meat-and-Potatoes Man by Meal Planning

This week's Frugal Friday is right up my alley.  About seven years ago, when my then toddling Negotiator started eating real meals at table, I knew I needed a plan.  Previously to his demanded inclusion in evening mealtimes and with only one solid-foods eating child, I was a committed and relentless day-and-evening-long snacker.  Having a husband who oft missed dinnertime made it much more of a haggard chore than a pleasure to cook full meals for myself and a babe alone.  But, with the addition of my son, my hand was forced.  

Thankfully, I had an older woman whom I called friend.  She helped me to develop a weekly plan so that my ravenous children were receiving the nutrition their growing bodies required, and--lo and behold!--once I started learning to cook preparing gourmet dinnertime cuisine, my husband, a ruh-ruh-ruh-man, miraculously began showing up at home just in time to share the table with us.  Funny how that works sometimes.

Having a true blue meat-and-potatoes husband at table has its challenges, though.  But, I thank God, that through His work in our lives via hardship and testing, which blessedly begat humility, my husband is thankful for nearly every meal I've ever served.  It's because of his gracious attitude toward my cooking that I am lovingly compelled to include something rich and pleasing once. each. week.  

That's right--only once.  Most days we eat meals packed with legumes, whole grains, and plenty of vegetables.  These meals, although nutrient-packed, are c-h-e-a-p!  And because they cost pennies to make for our growing family of six, I have plenty of money left over in the week's budget for a roast, loin, fresh fish, or (rare) steak dinner.  This special dinner at the end of our week has become something to which everyone looks forward: we set the table prettily, use fancy napkin rings and glass water goblets--even for the kids.  And this dinner, which caps the working week for my husband, is just lovely enough for him to feel blessed in his ability to provide richly for us all.  I must say, there is nothing better for a family than a satisfied lord.

Do you plan meals to save money? sanity? time?  Or, are you more adventurous [read: organized] and cook dinners off-the-cuff?  

If you'd like more Frugal Friday ideas, check out the many fantastic ladies posting at Biblical Womanhood and be richly blessed!


  1. Wow...that is so awesome! I love the idea of the "grand" dinner at the end of the week!! How special!!!

  2. I have been planning my meals more and more. Sounds like my Sunday dinners. I have a nice meal for dinner and after we get bake from 6:00 p.m. mass we have dessert.

  3. I don't menu plan because I usually plan more than we can eat and have too many leftovers. I never opt for eating out. If I'm caught unprepared we just have something simple like eggs and pancakes or I get creative.


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.