Monday, April 27, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things, Giveaway #4: Barefoot Books

No doubt about it, Barefoot Books is one of A Few of My Favorite Things, not because they are beautifully illustrated; not because they are globally inspired; not even because they've garnered awards on every sphere; but because my children love them and cannot keep from reading them!!

So, this week, I'm giving away a $25 Gift Card for Barefoot Books.  If you've yet to experience the magic of Barefoot Books, this will be a treat indeed!!  And, if you've tasted the power of Barefoot Books before, then I know you've a long wish-list just dying to be fulfilled!!

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To Enter:
1.  Check out the many splendid books and gifts at Barefoot Books and leave a comment about a title that strikes your fancy.

2.  For a second chance to win, follow me.

3.  For a third chance to win, blog, tweet, or post about this giveaway on Facebook and tell me you did so.

This week I've joined forces with another one of my favorites, Laura, of Heavenly Homemakers, who's hosting a Springtime Giveaway Carnival all this week!!  So, enter to win and then enter to win some more and some more!!  I'll post the winner on Saturday morn!!

Have an inspired week, y'all!!


  1. I am not really sure what I would want. :-) I would have to get my kids to shop with me. :-)

  2. The Giant Turnip looks very interesting.

  3. Glad to see you part of the giveaway also! OK always could use more books..enter me!

  4. these look great! I showed my daughter and she says she wants them all! LOL! Thanks for the give-away!

  5. Oh man!! The illustrations are amazing! The titles draw you in and I LOVE BOOKS!! I know I'm out of the age range but who cares!? I like to read books that I'd read to 3 yr. old Jamesyn and 4 yr. old Jonah! I would lovvvvvvvvee to shop for the books. But I'd have to have my Mom help me make a good choice because almost every title/book I saw I wanted. Here's some I'm interested in: The Great Race, The Boy who grew flowers, CLASSIC POEMS!! I love poetry! Elephant dance, faerie's gift, Stories from the silk Road, Little leap, We're riding on a caravan, we're sailing down the nile, we all went on a safari. I had to get off because I was writting down almost every book hahaha.
    Rightio, you know I'm a follower. I'll write about the giveaway. (I'll give ya the link to the post :D)~Lissie

  6. Here's the link to the post. I wrote about your giveaway :D


  7. My kids eat books for breakfast! Ok, not really, but they have sooo many books and love them all! Any of the titles look great. :)

  8. Not entering -
    Just wanted to say that I recognize the Barefoot Book of Knights your son is reading in the pic.

    A few years back, we drove across the Midwest with six children and three adults in a Suburban, listening to the storytime cd that comes with it, all of us spellbound! No one even asked for a bathroom break - needless to say, we're all Barefoot fans!

  9. I'd love the classic poems. I love poetry and want my children to have that love.

  10. In honor of the recent Earth Day, The Barefoot Book of Earth Tales strikes my fancy!

  11. The Classic Poems looks great. More culture for each of my four kiddos would be wonderful! Thanks for joining in on the fun.

  12. I think my daughter would like Animal Boogie since she adores Fred Penner. Thanks for the chance to win!

    This is my favorite book. "One leap forward"
    I think my boys will love this one!
    I have ya on my sidebar! and I started following ya.

  14. Oh and i posted on facebook! ;)

  15. I love Barefoot Books! We just checked out This Old Man with the musical CD from the library and my son listened to it like 50x a day!

    I just signed up to follow you, too!

    amandasknits at gmail dot com

  16. I *just* read a review of Alligator Alphabet today - how cool is that? Thanks for the chance!

    nettacow at gmail dot com

  17. Oh, Chloe would love any of the lift the flaps! I'm in the process or making a reading corner for our toddler nursery at church so this would be perfect.
    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  18. Tales from Old Ireland looks darling. We've not read any Barefoot books before - they look wonderful! Thanks, Sara O'

  19. And I just added you to my google reader :)


    I blogged this giveaway. : )

    Sara O'

  21. There are a ton of good ones. I think How Loud Is a Lion looks really fun.

  22. Thank you for this giveaway! The book and CD sets about Pirates and the one about Princesses would be our favorites.

  23. I'd love to read Hidden Hippo. I'm all about African books!

    gitrecca at gmail dot com

  24. I had never heard of Barefoot Books before. I like the sound of the Celtic Dreamland CD--"lullabies from Ireland, Scotland and beyond". Sounds beautiful!

  25. Dragon on the Doorstep looks like a book my little men would love!

    Thank you for joining the Give-away Carnival,
    hsmamafl at gmail dot com

  26. The Pirates Fun Activities sounds like something my boys would love.

    ecaria at hotmail dot com

  27. I'd like to read the Barefoot Book of Earth Tales. Thanks for the chance.

  28. Oh, how to choose!!! Arthur of Albion, Giants, Ghosts and Goblins, The Story Tree... If only the giveaway came with more bookshelves, too! LOL.

    And I'm already a follower. :)

  29. I will find a way to get Barefoot Book of Earth Tales for my kids.I have eally been wanting this book.Thanks!

  30. OH, I have never heard of these books before (where have I been???) I love the books for africa! WOW, my oldest would have loved to read these while learning about africa a few months ago... of course I still have 3 others to go though 3rd grade...LOL!

  31. I love these! I would love to have one of the new ones like talk with me.

  32. My kids discovered Barefoot Books at the library, and they keep checking them out! I'd love to win this for them.

    I love books ... it's too hard to choose ...

    Mother Goose Remembers looks cool.
    Pirates -- we have that from the library right now!
    Fireside Tales looks great, too.

    We've read Ballet Stories from the library.

    Oh ... Shakespeare's Storybook looks really cool!

    If I win ... I'll have a really hard time choosing!

    April E.

  33. "What's This A Seed's Story" looks great to me. I've been looking for a good book that talks more about spring and growing things. Thanks!
    thegood3 at gmail dot com

  34. These are wonderful books. I have never heard of them before. My two favorites (I couldn't pick just one) was Stories from the Silk Road and Calendar of Festivals.

  35. My girls are just starting to learn how to read and all the titles look so fun. I'd probably pick the Alligator Alphabet because my youngest loves Alphabet books.

  36. Giants, Goblins, and Ghosts sounds great!

  37. Adventures of Odysseus looks good to me. I want my son to learn those classical stories.

  38. My kids would love the Folk Playground CD. Thanks!


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.