Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blast from the Past!: A Bitter and Sweet Edition

No, I am obviously not afraid of dating myself.

Hi, my name is Laura Lee, and I am, like, totally a product of the eighties.

First, Something Sweet:  The gal at the bottom was my bosom-friend, J.  When we first met, we hated each other, but when we were assigned to sit next to each other in Geometry, a nearly perfect friendship blossomed, one which changed my life.  We once said we were the "Same Person, Different Bodies," and coined this idea in a collective name: LL (me) COOL (we) J (she).

Now, Something Bitter:  These were my best girlfriends, and this is the last photo we took all together.  After this truly fab summer, I went as far as I could get away from home, and lost contact with them all, even J.  I don't think they ever forgave me for that, and I don't blame them.  But, I was running away while wearing blinders.  I never saw their hurt or, perhaps, anger; I only saw a finish line which was my only earthly salvation at the time: away.

Oh! and that hair was memorialized in my senior yearbook.  I will forever be the girl with the biggest hair of the Class of 1989!  

"Thank you, thank you; I owe it all to Aqua Net."

Got an old pic that provokes the spirit with bitter and/or sweet memories of your youth?  Or got an old pic that makes you laugh-out-loud, recognizing your momma was right all along about how ridiculous you looked?!  Share!


  1. Hahahaha...love the LL Cool J! Too funny! My friend and I used to do stuff like that!!

    That was a cute picture, and I so can relate! I'm a product from the 80's too! My husband graduated in 89, and did in 87!!! Whoa!!

    So, you don't keep in touch w/ any of them??? Have you tried looking them up????

    I don't know if I have any pictures of me in the house. My mom has some of me, so I will have to dig through her stuff!!

  2. We all kind of did the same thing in my "group"... and just reconnected with some old friends through facebook. My close friends throughout high school; and maid of honor at my wedding... I have only seen her once since then. I was shocked and saddened to realize that I don't even know her husband!

  3. Alicia, you have to find one, although the prom pic counts for something!!

    I did somewhat reconnect at the tenth-year reunion, but a few didn't even talk to me, only J. I slept on her couch that night and we chatted like old times indeed. But, after a year, or so, of cards and email, she just stopped responding, too. I've always missed her.

  4. Annie, I too lost contact with my maid-of-honor, but it was her choice. After I became a Christian, she bailed, saying it was best if I didn't contact her anymore. Ouch. But, I am thankful that she saw Christ in me enough to reject Him.

  5. It's a special honor to be the girl with the biggest hair!
    I've re-connected with some old friends lately. Some may become good friends again; others probably not (we've both changed so much) but it's still nice to know how they're doing.

  6. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog. I can't remember if I had ever paid you a visit and I just love your blog. Your little ones are adorable and I love your 80s hair. :) Brings back memories of a few of my classmates. What a cute bunch!


I'm gonna shut up now. Please, tell me what YOU think.